Recently, I converted the repository for my website to a Turborepo. Turborepo is a task dependency management layer on top of a package manager, and it works for normal repositories and monorepos. The underlying package manager has to be one of NPM, pnpm, or Yarn, all of which come with workspaces support.
The central pitch of Turborepo is to speed up workspace tasks, primarily builds. After configuring
task dependencies in one or more turbo.json
, Turborepo uses this information to run
tasks in parallel with an aggressive caching strategy. Turborepo can complement local caching with
shared remote caching. Often this will significantly reduce the duration of deployment builds
because local builds are cached remotely and can be reused for deployment builds.
Workspaces configuration
Let's look at how I configured the repository for my website with the following monorepo directory structure:
I use NPM as a package manager. Therefore, I defined my workspaces with the workspaces
I recommended adding package turbo
to devDependencies
, which gives you
control over which version to use. You should also install the turbo
package globally
to make the turbo
command available in your terminal. A globally installed turbo
command will use the Turborepo version declared in devDependencies
Turborepo configuration
The Turborepo configuration is in turbo.json
at the project root level. For my monorepo,
it looks like this:
The pipeline
property describes dependencies between NPM tasks (defined in the scripts
tags of workspace package.json
files). Each task can have additional
properties, which you can look up in the Turborepo docs (configuration options). I will highlight two of them:
: Value["^build"]
means that every build task should run the build tasks of dependencies that reside inside the monorepo in other workspaces."outputs"
: Describes build artifacts that Turborepo should cache. E.g., the build of a SvelteKit app goes into directory.svelte-kit
. If Turborepo figures out nothing has changed during a build, it will retrieve.svelte-kit
from its cache instead of running the task. Similarly, the output of adapter-vercel goes into the.vercel
directory and needs to be cached. The best case for a build is that Turborepo can fetch both.svelte-kit
from the cache.
Nested configuration
Starting with Turborepo v1.8, you can nest configurations and complement a project-level
configuration with workspace-specific configurations. E.g., in my monorepo, packages/ui
contains a UI package that is managed with SvelteKit's package tooling. When you run the build
command for ui
, the build artifacts go into dist
and must be cached. I could
add dist
to the outputs
property of the build
task in the project
root turbo.json
. Then they would be applied to every build task in every workspace.
As an alternative, I created the file packages/ui/turbo.json
, which extends the
project root turbo.json
Turborepo permits overrides only for anything under the pipeline
property. The above turbo.json
build task inherits all properties from the project root turbo.json
and overrides only the outputs
Pitfall: Getting the outputs wrong
Getting the outputs wrong can have unintended side effects. After refactoring my repository to a monorepo, I got the following error for every Vercel deployment:

By default, Vercel expects the deployment files in the public
directory or another special
directory, e.g., .vercel
. I had forgotten to add .vercel/**
to outputs
in turbo.json
. Whenever Turborepo determined that it could reuse
a cached build, it did not run the build task and instead fetched all outputs it was aware of from
the cache. Since it did not know about .vercel
, it could not fetch it from the cache,
and the build ended without a valid build directory.
Pitfall: Persistent tasks
Persistent tasks are long-running, e.g., the dev
task is persistent. Turborepo does not
allow any task to depend on a persistent task because it blocks subsequent tasks. Imagine ui/package.json
defines a watch
task that builds the library whenever a file
changes. I want to add this configuration to apps/website/turbo.json
But this is not permitted since Turorepo does not allow the dev
task to depend on watch
, which is a persistent task. Instead of defining the watch
task as
a dependency of the dev
task in turbo.json
, you need to launch the watch
task at the NPM level:
This script simultaneously launches the watch
task for packages/ui
and the dev
task for apps/website
Configuring Turborepo for a monorepo with one or more SvelteKit apps is relatively easy. But you
must get the outputs
right, including any directories specific to your hosting provider.
As a layer on top of a package manager, Turborepo does not replace NPM, pnpm, or Yarn. As you have
seen in the above examples, some configurations go in a turbo.json
, and others go in
a package.json
. Knowing where configurations go can be challenging in the beginning.
Expect Turborepo to support more configurations over time and perhaps even merge with a package
manager or another build tool.